Contact Us

Joseph Kashi Law Offices
205 East Beluga Ave.
Soldotna, AK 99669

907-260-7732 (main line and office staff)
907-260-7739 (fax)
907-398-0480 (cell)


DISCLAIMER: Sorry about the need for the disclaimers and warnings, but they really are necessary in any initial contacts about new matters and new possible clients with whom I am not already familiar.

Office hours are by appointment. Initial contact by cell phone (907) 398-0480 is preferred. Evening contacts by cell phone until 9:00pm are OK.

Please see Legal page for important legal notices and conditions and copies of current legal representation contacts.

Please understand I can only give legal advice to established clients but I would be happy to directly discuss your legal matters in an initial meeting.

Important: To avoid potential conflicts of interest, please include in your initial contact the complete names of all potentially involved parties on all sides of any dispute or matter.

Do not send any confidential information unless and until the attorney-client representation agreement required by Alaska legal ethics rules has been signed by everyone.

Initial contact does not result in the establishment of an attorney-client representation and does not obligate us in any way unless and until the mandatory attorney-client representation agreement is signed by everyone.